Separate everything with a space (any character will work, too). Make sure there is an extra character after the last note as well. Do not use line breaks or capital letters.
Header Format: [wave type][bpm]
Wave types: sin = sine, sqr = square, tri = triangle, saw = sawtooth
Note Format: [note name][natural/sharp/flat][octave number][note duration]
Note names: a, b, c, d, e, f, g.
Natural sign: n. Sharp sign: #. Flat sign: b.
Octave numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Note duration: Measured in 16th notes using the hexadecimal numbering system. 0 is equal to a sixteenth note, 1 is equal to an eighth note, 3 is equal to a quarter note, 7 is equal to a half note and f is equal to a whole note.
Examples: an40 - an A natural sixteenth note on the 4th octave; c#33 - a C sharp quarter note on the 3rd octave; bb52 - a B flat dotted eighth note on the 5th octave.